Work with 5000 women about of 2000 are a part of the Mahila Shakti Sangathan (CBO of Dalit and Muslim women at bock level).

Approximately 100+ cases of violence against women taken up by SAKAR and Mahila Shakti Sangathan.

500+ women leant basic literacy skills though literacy centres in the rural areas.

Awareness and increase in information related to vaccination, during pregnancy, right to health, abortion rights etc.

Work with approx. 2000 adolescent girls.

200 girls in leadership addressing the issues of gender-based discrimination, child marriage or early marriage, right to education and sports as a medium of mobility and Right to Choice.

Work with 30+ schools so far.

300+ children and adolescent girls re-enrolled in schools for mainstreaming education.

300+ girls getting education through learning centers in the slum areas of Bareilly town.

Reach out to thirty villages. Eighteen villages intensively.

Awareness about sports and various government schemes as well as departments like one stop crisis Centre, District Protection Officer, Mahila Thana, social welfare, artisan card and labour welfare department.

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