A. Women and adolescent girls leading a violence free life

SAKAR operates in 18 villages, focusing on empowering girl collectives with support from AJWS. They conduct sessions on gender issues, leadership, and legal literacy, and use sports for leadership development. Workshops empower young leaders to advocate for women’s and girls’ rights, aiming to build a district-level network.

Leadership development is vital for both girls and the SAKAR team. Information is shared through IEC materials, including a biannual newsletter by the girls.

SAKAR organizes campaigns, interface events, and celebrations to raise awareness and promote accountability. We also provide scholarships for 15 girls who achieve first division, supporting further education or vocational courses.


The SAKSHAM project by APF empowers young women and girls from marginalized communities to become social advocates. It focuses on SRHR, reducing GBV, network strengthening, and access to public spaces. The project aims to:

  • 1. Empower girls and young women with awareness about their rights, including SRHR and bodily autonomy where 60% will become informed leaders, accessing government entitlements and strengthening their collective.
  • 2. Create an enabling environment involving men, boys, community, and officials to support safe mobility and access to public spaces, where 45-50% of stakeholders will actively support, and girls will feel safer in public spaces.
  • 3. Use sports to challenge social and gender norms and motivate others where 60-70% of girls will play sports publicly, promoting rights and autonomy.
  • 4. Strengthen community-based organizations (CBOs) to support girls’ leadership and agency where enhanced solidarity within CBOs, supporting girls at various levels.

The project targets 1,000 girls and 1,500 young women over three years, expecting a 60% change in the target group through various activities and strategies.

C. Computer Literacy and soft skill development program

This project is about continuing education of 240 adolescent girls aged between 13 and 19 years through digital literacy and soft skills development. The objectives are -

  • To develop interest in higher education among 240 Adolescent girls by nurturing 11 types of skills, abilities, and knowledge aspect.
  • To create a platform for adolescent girls for voicing their concerns and express freely.
  • To provide psycho-social support and counselling to the parents on the issues of Adolescent Girls.
  • To re-enrol/ continue education of at least 60% adolescent girls.

D. The Pace Program

Through this program we hope to work on the following areas, for holistic change and empowerment of girls-

  • Setting Pace learning centres in 4 places.
  • Staff capacity building, on feminist learning and perspective
  • Interface of urban and rural girls from pace centres.
  • Sports- an integral part of the activities in the centres.
  • Building Leadership and other life skills among girls.
  • Work with the alumni, network building.

Forming a network with pace learners, so that they can take up issues related to adolescent girls specially on right to education, recreation and mobility.

E. The Girls program

The project supports 20 girls facing financial and gender-based barriers to continue their education. These girls will become change champions, motivating others and raising awareness about the Right to Education. They will also mentor 20 other girls in 20 villages.

Participants will attend workshops on power, gender, consent, and leadership, enhancing their knowledge and agency. They will identify issues and create action plans, addressing mobility and violence against women. Discussions on education and citizenship rights will further their understanding.

A helpdesk will provide information on higher education and vocational options and serve as a library. By the project’s end, the goals include:

  • 1,500 girls aware of their rights and exercising them.
  • 20 girls continuing education and becoming education champions.
  • 400 girls emerging as leaders.
  • Girls in 20 villages using their agency in marriage decisions.
  • Advocacy action plans in 15 villages.
  • Governance institutions becoming accountable.
  • Building a network to challenge power and patriarchy.
  • Increased access to public spaces through sports.
  • Girls and women using helpline numbers for issue resolution.
  • An active information center promoting education and empowerment.

F. Crowdera Foundation

Crowdera Foundation is assisting SAKAR to learn Crowd funding with White-Lable Solution. Through this project, SAKAR is planning to raise funds for 100 girls in higher education.

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